Whales Position Monitor


This metric specifically tracks large investors, often referred to as "whales," and their vault collateralization levels essentially, it shows how much collateral they have deposited against their borrowed stablecoin amounts. The GTCR is a protocol-specific threshold that defines the ideal collateralization ratio across all vaults to maintain the stablecoin's peg and overall system stability.

This indicator tracks:

Whale's Vault Collateralization: The ratio of collateral deposited by large investors to the amount of stablecoins they have borrowed.

GTCR Threshold: The collateralization ratio of all the protocol vaults to ensure stability and security of the stablecoin.

Historical Activity: The trends and changes in a whale's collateralization ratio over time, noting periods when their collateralization is above or below the GTCR threshold.

How can I use it?

Monitoring whale positions in relation to the GTCR threshold helps in assessing systemic risks. Whales with positions significantly below the threshold generally contribute to the system's stability, whereas those above the threshold could pose a risk in terms of liquidation and price stability.

The overall health and stability of a stablecoin protocol can be gauged by examining how closely the large positions adhere to or deviate from the GTCR. Consistently high compliance suggests a healthy system, while frequent deviations could signal underlying issues.

Understanding the collateralization levels of large positions provides insights into the liquidity available within the system. High collateral levels from whales indicate a buffer that can protect the protocol in volatile market conditions.

The behavior of whales regarding their collateralization ratios can reflect their confidence in the stablecoin protocol. Decreasing collateral ratios might indicate bullish sentiment, while increasing ratios could suggest bearish sentiment or concerns about the protocol's stability.

Last updated